efficiency & availability
Key Features
Key parameters are accessible over the plant’s history based on sensor measurements or Digital Twin calculations
Abnormal behaviors are detected automatically thanks to the Digital Twin
Faults and their magnitudes are identified automatically in the Digital Twin out of thousands of scenarios
More than 300 users use Metrosocope on a daily basis. The value of diagnostics is unlocked when all plant personnel from maintenance to management share the understanding of the state of the process - all the way down to specific component faults
Key Principles
The Digital Twin is encapsulated in the software and controlled by the inferential engine, itself in charge of comparing the data from the digital twin with the data from the sensors
Diagnosis = P (faults | symptoms)
Powered by Digital Twin
Our modeling team creates numerical replicas of your process to simulate the behavior of the system
Metroscope Digital Twins typically simulate processes with over 100 sensors, 150 industrial components, and 80 fault scenarios or sources of energy losses
Inferential Engine
Our inferential engine interacts with the Digital Twin to automatically deliver a Root Cause Analysis (RCA) of any symptoms through a continuous probabilistic approach
Based on detected symptoms, the engine delivers a diagnosis indicating the faults that have occurred most likely in the system and quantifying their individual impact on system performance (e.g., plant output power)
Building Digital Twin requires expertise and data; learn more about our methodology
Cloud-based Software
The software is continuously updated with 2 major releases per year on average and availability over 99.95%
Our partnership with Microsoft and our cybersecurity expertise enable client-tailored, robust, and secure solutions protecting asset data
To go further, clients are free to use Metroscope default data plots or to create their custom data analyses and visualizations using our embedded JupyerHub platform, which interacts directly with the APIs